This stacked lamp was inspired by a very expensive designer lamp I found online (it was 650 euros), I decided to make my own using free software, then printing the cutting templates out on an office printer. I’ve included templates of this design, so you can make your own with the tutorial provided on Instructables.

Stacked Lamp

Print and cut template

Glue to wood

The templates were glued to the wood using spray adhesive.

Cut shapes

Print paper template and stick to wood. Cut out with bandsaw or jigsaw. The center can be cut with a hole saw.

Sand endges

Sand edges starting with coarse grit sandpaper and moving up to fine grit for a nice finish.

Sand plastic tube

Clear plastic tube was sanded with fine grit sandpaper to give the diffuse glow. After sanding the tube was buffed with a plastic souring pad to soften the appearance.

Fit tube to base

Electrical cord with switch was attached to underside of base, tube was fit on top and pieces were stacked to create lamp.

I decided to coat the wood with boiled lindseed oil for a nice finish without taking away from the look of the wood grain, but leaving it uncoated is just fine, too. This stacked lamp looks amazing, and can be changed to look completely different at any time

Happy Stacking!